Save Money With These Electricity Saving Tips From USA Electric

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Electricity is awesome. It provides a power source for many devices and electronics we take for granted daily. Unfortunately, electricity also costs money, and the more gadgets and electrical components you have, the more money you hand over to the utility company every month. However, don’t let that get you down. You can do several things around your home or business to help save some money on your monthly power bill. Sounds enticing, right? To make things even better, everything on our electricity-saving tips list is free. Not one item costs you a single dime, and when in concert, this list can save you a decent chunk of change next month. So, without further ado, here are the money and electricity-saving tips from us here at USA Electric:

Tip 1 – Turn Off Unnecessary Lights

One of the biggest wastes of power (and money) is leaving the lights on when you don’t need them. So, to save a little on your monthly power bill, start practicing turning off the lights in any room not currently occupied.

You can use more natural light during the day if you’d like to save even more money by adjusting your lighting habits. Start using more task lighting to make things even further (without sacrificing comfort). Turn off the big, room-filling floor and ceiling lights and use smaller table lamps and other task lights. Using more natural light and task lighting can save you another small chunk.

Learn more about our indoor and outdoor lighting services by clicking the links below:

Tip 2 – Unplug Unused And “Vampire” Appliances

Did you know that many appliances and electronic devices in your house never indeed turn off? Well, it’s true! Several electronic devices (we’re looking at you, video game consoles) only enter a standby mode when plugged into a wall outlet. So, if you’re not using something, unplugging it can go a long way toward saving on your monthly power bills.

Tip 3 – Turn Off The HVAC Whenever You’re Not Home

Simply turning off your HVAC system (that means heating AND cooling) can help save quite a lot of money on your monthly electricity bill. You can adjust your thermostat to save even more on your monthly energy bills! Contact us to learn more about how you can set up your HVAC system to use as little power as possible while maintaining decent comfort. Our electricians would happily help you set up your system to save a little on your monthly electricity bills.

Having An Electrical Problem Or Emergency? Contact USA Electric

Even if you use all three electricity-saving tips on our list, you may still have unexpectedly high power bills and electrical problems. Fortunately, however, the professional electricians at USA Electric always stand by to give you a helping hand! We have you covered, from troubleshooting to helping you save on your electricity bill. So contact us to schedule an inspection or service call today!

We offer emergency electrical services in the following locations:

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