If Your Electrical System Is No Longer Performing, It May Be Putting You At Risk!
If there’s one thing that every modern home dreads, it’s this: blackouts. Electricity has become such an essential element of our lives that most of us no longer know how to live without it. Suppose your electrical system is no longer performing up to your standards. In that case, you should have yours inspected immediately. If your lights flicker, breakers trip often, or you keep getting shocked, your home may suffer a much more significant problem. The only way to know for sure is to have your home inspected by a professional electrician. Here are some of the reasons you should consider calling an electrician.
Your Home Has An Aging Electrical System
If your home was built by contractors in the early ’70s or earlier, your electrical system is no longer up to code. Several changes in the last 50 years have revealed the inefficiencies of early electrical systems in homes.
If your home is in this range, then the chances are that aluminum wires run through your home instead of copper ones, and your outlets only have room for two prongs. Both of these changes mean a world of difference for the safety of your home and family.
The solid aluminum wiring, for example, has an increased chance of overheating and causing fires under a strained electrical load. The lack of three-pronged outlets further compounds this problem, as two-pronged outlets do not have the grounding necessary to deal with excess energy surges.
You may also find that your most sensitive outlets, which may come in contact with water, do not have a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI) installed. Without a GFCI, you are at a significantly higher risk of receiving a shock through the water.
The Electrical System Cannot Handle Your Home’s Load.
Your home will give you all the signs to let you know it can’t handle your electrical needs. Flickering lights, tripped breakers, and warm outlets are all signs that electricity demand in your home exceeds capacity.
Lights generally flicker once a new appliance draws power from a strained system. An air conditioner, for example, may draw enough energy to leave the supply to your lights weak.
On the other hand, tripped breakers and hot outlets may signify that your home electrical draw on that particular circuit is higher than the circuit can sustain. To prevent a fire or burnt wires, the circuit board breaks the flow of electricity.
An electrician will help you determine the source of any of these problems.
Your Home’s Wiring Is In Convenient
While this may be less of a pressing issue, an electrical system that is difficult to access is something an electrician can help you fix. If you have a particular outlet full of extensions, adding a few new outlets may improve your quality of life.
An outlet that is drawing power for multiple appliances is a fire hazard! However, new outlets will reduce the chance of fire breaking out in your home, but it will also allow you to arrange your home furniture in a way that better suits your needs.
An Electrician Can Help You Keep A Safe Home
Suppose your home has been around for decades, experiences a power loss, or costs you a mint in extension cords. In that case, it is time to call an electrician. Homes that an electrician has not inspected are in danger of heading to disaster. However, a simple call to an electrician like USA Electric will help you avert catastrophe and make your home more comfortable.