Are you keeping your home up with the times? With the average person living in their homes for over 8 years and technology’s ever changing wave of automation, the answer is probably no.
In today’s market handy electronic toys, gadgets and appliances will have no problem easily overloading an electrical system in many older homes. This causes problems that could be avoided with a new electrical panel or a sub panel which USA Electric can install for you!
You may wonder what is the purpose of an electrical panel?
Think of your panel as a unit of control. An electrical panel provides electricity to your home and those fun and well needed appliances that you have throughout your home. Your utility company pushes power to those panels to give you electricity. The power branches out into major electrical branches, dwindling into smaller branches in order to distribute power. A functioning electrical panel is key to the safety of your family and your home.
If you’re not living in a modern home, this could mean your panel isn’t safe. You may want to look into having an electrician come to take a look. Contact us for specific panels that have been deemed as dangerous.
In this age, electrical panels are well-designed and safe. Usually panels installed in the 1980’s and prior there’s a possibility it may contain components that are deteriorated and becoming unsafe as time passes. One brand of panel that has been condemned is Zinsco. Most Zinsco panels are obsolete today. However, at one time, they were extremely popular and installed in many regions throughout Los Angeles. As time has passed, electricians and home inspectors have discovered that certain Zinsco panels often can fail to operate properly and may leave homes and homeowners at risk to both fire and electrical shock. These panels worked fine for years, but as homes have increased energy demands, these panels may overheat and portions of it melt. If your home uses a Zinsco panel, call USA Electric to have a new electrical panel installed immediately: A licensed (License C-10 892870) and insured (Liability and W.C Insurance) electrician such as USA Electric should do a home inspection as soon as possible so that you can avoid possible damage to your home. Call us at (818) 705-0893. We would be so happy to hear from you! Your friendly Los Angeles electrician.